Jul 13, 2022
Whether you’re struggling to lose weight, burn fat, gain muscle, or improve your health in any way, there’s one thing that’s almost guaranteed to be in your way… your mind.
Natalie Newhart is the Founder of Fit Addicted Nutrition, where she specializes in female-specific fat loss, as well as a mindset coach for those who want to master their mind and body. She believes that in order to master your body, you have to train your mind… but what does that mean and how do you start to train the mind?
Natalie and Chase talk about what it means to train the mind while breaking down the 4-phase training approach she uses to maintain her health and create the life she wants to live. Natalie shares her thoughts on why mindset is more important than diet and exercise and how your mental health and mindset could be preventing you from losing excess fat.
Follow Natalie Newhart @natalie.newhart
Follow Chase on Instagram @chase_chewning
Follow him on Twitter @chasechewning
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