Jun 17, 2019
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Joe De Sena is the founder and CEO of Spartan, the world’s largest obstacle race and endurance brand. Following a successful career on Wall Street, De Sena moved his family to Pittsfield, Vermont to operate an organic farm, a bed and breakfast, and a general store for hikers. It was here his passion grew for ultramarathons, adventure races, and endurance events, and thus the idea for Spartan was born.
With more than one million annual global participants at more than 200 events across more than 30 countries, Spartan offers heats for all fitness levels and ages, from beginner to elite and kids as young as four-years-old. The brand has transformed more than five million lives since it was founded in 2010.
Follow all things Spartan @Spartan
Follow Chase @chase_chewning
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